P1-3 Class

Term 4, 2023-24

This term we have been looking at electricity and sound, and we will soon be learning about our bodies and what we need to stay healthy. We are enjoying our weekly forest school sessions and have been very lucky to have warm, sunny weather. We are learning some lovely songs to sing at our end of term assembly, and also practicing hard for sports day.

Term 3, 2023-24

P1-3 made an exciting discovery at the start of this term; a dinosaur egg in our Wildlife Garden! This caused lots of excitement and enthusiasm for the class IDL topic on dinosaurs – I think we may have some future palaeontologists among us! 

Term 2, 2023-24

The P1-3 class are learning about the Festivals of Light, Diwali and Hanukkah, and will also be learning about Christmas. In maths, pupils will be looking at 2D and 3D shapes, and will also be learning about money through their enterprise project which will also involve art & craft. Drama and music will be incorporated in practising for the P1-3 Christmas Play ‘The very hopeless camel’ and in PE we are focusing on gymnastics.

Term 1, 2023-24

We are delighted to welcome seven new Primary 1 pupils to Craigievar School. This term our Interdisciplinary Learning topic is the Weather. The pupils have already done some super drawings of colourful umbrellas in the rain, and we are looking forward to leaves on the trees turning to their autumnal colours. In maths, we are looking at sorting and counting and we enjoy going outside to see what we can find in the wildlife garden to sort and count.

Term 4, 2022-23

Our topic this term is ‘My Community’ where we will be thinking about what makes a community, the groups we belong to, different homes, local facilities, and how we care for them. French lessons will focus on houses and homes to link with the topic. In P1-2 during weekly writing activities we are focusing on caring for bees and our wildlife garden and learning how to write detailed observations and instructions. P3 will be working alongside P4-5 in weekly writing tasks and learning to extend their sentences and include a greater level of detail. There will be weekly reading sessions where the whole school will be deepening their understanding of texts at their level during the same time period. In addition, P1-3 will continue to read in their usual reading groups and will be bringing books home regularly. In numeracy and maths children will be exploring the concepts of multiplication and division with Miss Pittendreigh and area, shape and time with Mrs Robertson. Children will continue to take part in twice weekly PE sessions, focusing on athletics and sports day practice.

Term 3, 2022-23

We are learning all about Scotland for the first half of this term, leading up to a Scots Week and a Scottish Assembly where we will be reciting some poems, and doing some ceilidh dancing. After this we will be learning about Polar lands, looking at climates, animals, landmarks and more.

Term 2, 2022-23

It’s going to be a busy term, and a very exciting one as we get ready to put on our Christmas Show, ‘Lights, Camel, Action!’ As well as doing lots of singing, dancing, and acting, we will be making props for the show as well. Our project this term will be ‘Toys’, and in maths we will be continuing to work on addition and subtraction.

Term 1, 2022-23

It’s lovely to see everyone back at school, and to meet our six new Primary 1 pupils. At the start of term we had a visit from a dragon who asked us to help him re-build Fairyland. We will be exploring lots of fairy tales and filling the classroom with all our artwork to create a wonderful feeling of Fairyland.

Term 4, 2021-22

We are all looking forward to a busy and exciting summer term with lots of opportunities to take our learning outside. Our main topic this term will focus on Commonwealth countries and we are using a world map to locate and name the seven continents as well as particular countries within these. We are looking forward to sharing all that we have learnt with parents and friends on our Jubilee Celebration afternoon.

Term 3.2, 2021-22

For the second half of this term our topic is Growing Plants. The children are excited to get planting and we hope to be able to see and harvest the fruits of our labour before the end of the summer term. During this topic we will find out about the different parts of a plant and their purpose as well as investigating what plants need to grow and thrive.

Term 3.1, 2021-22

We had an exciting start to the term, finding large footprints and purple prickles in the school corridor leading up to our classroom. It would seem that a Gruffalo had come to visit! We went exploring and found ‘The Gruffalo’ book in the wildlife garden, and Miss Pittendreigh read it to us. We are going to be using The Gruffalo and other Julia Donaldson stories as the basis for our Inter Disciplinary Learning (IDL), covering Art, Design and Technology and Health and Well Being, as well as using it for our Literacy. In Maths we will begin by looking at 2D and 3D shapes and will also focus on measuring length and height using non-standard units as well as metres, making sensible estimations and taking care to measure accurately. In PE we will be doing gymnastics with a focus on shape, balance and movement. It’s going to be a busy term!

Term 2, 2021-22

We all start to get very excited as we head towards Christmas, and this term we have been learning some fun Christmas songs for our Christmas Concert. We have also been having weekly lessons in Kodaly, which teaches us all about rhythm. For our topic, we have continued to learn all about ourselves and had a great visit from ALEC (Aberdeenshire Life Education Centres) where we learnt about the major food groups and the Healthy Wheel, and considered the different things we need to be happy and healthy. And all with the help of Harold the Giraffe!

Term 1, 2021-22

We would like to welcome our eight new Primary 1 pupils to the P1-3 class and it’s lovely to see everyone else back, ready and raring to go after seven weeks of summer holiday! We have got an exciting term ahead and will be learning all about ‘ourselves’. This topic looks at health & wellbeing and science outcomes related to healthy eating, personal hygiene, skeletons and the body. We have got a fantastic hospital corner set up in the classroom which has already been a big hit with the children – it certainly looks like we have some healthcare professionals in the making! There are lots of practical activities happening in class to develop pupils’ numeracy skills through a ‘Maths Mastery’ approach, with themes this term focusing on conservation of number, place value and data handling.