P4-7 Class

Term 4: 2023-24

It’s a busy term for the Primary 7 pupils, with lots of events planned to help with the transition to Alford Academy, as well as an exciting residential trip. The whole class are busy rehearsing for a short play which will be performed at the end of term assembly, so several lines to learn and songs to sing. In science, we have been looking at light and sound, and in the lovely weather we get outside to practice for sports day.

Term 3: 2023-24 Session

This term, P4-7 will be focussing on developing skills and knowledge through interdisciplinary learning (IDL). At the end of last term, the children suggested questions that they would like to investigate and, from these, we have selected five to explore over the course of the term.

Term 2: 2023-24 Session

We will be learning about different celebrations and learning songs which will form part of our Christmas show. We will be developing lots of skill through our enterprise project and working through six P’s: Possibilities, Public Preference, Planning, Production, Promotion and (hopefully) Profits. We will continue to develop our understanding of multiplication and division along with understanding money. In Literacy we will be focussing on the skills of persuasive writing, note-taking and scanning. We are also going to be learning some Gaelic, with six ‘live’ lessons from an expert. We are looking forward to hearing how they get on.

Term 1: 2023-24 Session

It’s great to see everyone back in school for what we hope will be another exciting year full of super opportunities for learning.

Term 4: 2022-23 Session

Our topic this term is Fairtrade and Enterprise. In Maths we will be looking at data handling and measurement. We will be learning about instructional writing and poetry in literacy, and in PE we will focus on rugby. We are also looking forward to learning to play the Samba drums this term, leading up to a morning workshop at the end of term.

Term 3: 2022-23 Session

This term we are going to start off by looking at Scotland. We will look at maps and cities, traditions and myths, and the natural world. Following on from this will be a science topic where we will be studying, amongst other things, renewable energy. Our P6/7 pupils are very excited to be going on a residential trip this term, and the P7s have got several transition events with P7 pupils from other small schools in the Alford catchment area. In music, we are having a few more sessions at the start of the term to continue with our ipad music course, and then we are moving on to another Youth Music Initiative course called ‘Where I Am’. In PE we are going to be learning some Ceilidh Dancing, so we are ready to dance with our parents & family at our Scots Assembly at the end of January.

Term 2: 2022-23 Session

This term we will be continuing to work on our World War 2 project. We will also be learning about winter festivals and in maths we will be working on multiplication and division. We are all very excited to start rehearsing for our whole school production of ‘Lights, Camel, Action!’, which will involve a lot of singing, dancing, and learning our lines!

Term 1: 2022-23 Session

It’s great to see everyone back after the summer holidays and we want to give a special welcome to our Primary 4 pupils who have moved up into our class, and also to Miss Christie who joins us as the class teacher alongside Miss Morley. This term our main topic will be World War 2. We will also be focusing on imaginative writing, addition & subtraction in Maths, and we will be doing athletics in PE.

Term 4: 2021-22 Session

With the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations fast approaching, our main focus is going to be on Commonwealth Countries and also learning about the history of the British Empire. Each pupil has chosen a commonwealth country to investigate, finding out about the landscape, language, food, dance, etc. We will be doing some wonderful artwork based on the different countries and will have an art display for our Jubilee Celebrations Open Afternoon. We are also going to learn how to do a Haka, and other cultural dances from the commonwealth, which we are looking forward to performing to parents.

Term 3: 2021-22 Session

We are doing a Geography based project this term, based on geographical features of the wider world, country studies, map work and local geography. We are doing a mini project all about Thailand, learning where it is and what it is like. In class we are reading ‘The Firework Maker’s Daughter’ by Philip Pullman which is set in Thailand. In maths we are focusing on Fractions, Percentages and Time, as well as Grid References and direction. We are learning hockey in PE which we are really enjoying.

Term 2: 2021-22 Session

It’s been another busy term, and the lead up to Christmas is always exciting! We learnt some fun Christmas songs to sing at our Christmas Concert and everyone did a fantastic job learning their lines and performing well to all the parents, family and friends who came to watch. We had to hold the concert outside this year due to COVID Restrictions but we made it extra special by lighting up the playground shelter with Christmas lights so it looked really pretty. During the term we had a visit from ALEC, with the session focussing on ‘It’s Great to be Me!’ which looked at both mental and physical health, as well as the importance of respecting others.

Term 1: 2021-22 Session

It’s great to see everyone back after a long summer holiday, and we have now had a few weeks to settle back into term time. The P4-7 class have become absorbed in Viking sagas and myths as our topic has developed. There have been plenty of opportunities to learn about who the Vikings were and how they lived, and Mrs Robertson has worked with the pupils to create some fantastic artwork related to the topic. Pupils have been making use of our outdoor spaces to create model Viking longhouses and we plan to create model long boats and use them to explore science and technology outcomes around floating, friction and material selection. We hope to have our own mini ‘Up Helly Aa’ at the end of the topic.

Term 4: 2020-21 Session

Welcome to Term 4.  It is hard to believe that we are already in the final term of this academic year!

Mr Birch will continue to explore ‘our prehistoric past’ where there will be plenty of outdoor learning opportunities to enjoy, hopefully in good weather.  Mrs Robertson meanwhile will look at ‘Electricity’ as part of topic work and the children will learn how to create their own circuits.

In Maths we will be building on the fractions work from last term and exploring decimals and percentages.

Our class novel is ‘Charlottes Web’ and there will be many engaging literacy and expressive arts activities inspired by this novel.  We will look at fiction writing and writing our own adventure story and also a range of other non-fiction writing opportunities. 

We will continue to focus on social, emotional and mental wellbeing this term, which has been highlighted as being of particular importance following the events of the last year.  We hope this will help the children feel more settled and comfortable back in school and give them the opportunity to talk about their feelings and identify emotions associated with the past year and help build trust, confidence and resilience as we move forward.

Term 3: 2020-21 Session

March 2021: It is fantastic to have all the pupils back in school after lockdown. The P4-7 class have plunged straight in to learning all about the Mesolithic Period and have learnt how to make shelters out of natural materials, and have done some super cave drawings.

Happy New Year to everyone! And it’s back to home learning! The school remains open for children whose parents work in Category 1 or 2 and who are not able to stay at home, and vulnerable children. All other pupils will be doing online learning from home. Hopefully it won’t be too long before we see all your smiling faces in school again.

Term 2: 2020-21 Session

We are very excited about our enterprise project and hope to make lots of money for Northsound 1’s ‘Cash for Kids’. We have made four companies: Silly Snowmen, Crafty Kids, Creative Candle Makers, and Rudolph Wreaths. We have been given a start up budget of £10 and so are planning what we need to buy, how much each gift will cost to make and then how much we think we can sell them for. We have also done some market research with the parents. We can’t wait to start making our gifts so we can put together a catalogue for parents to order from.

Making Barfi

We have also been learning about Diwali which is a five day festival of lights and one of the major festivals celebrated by the Hindus, Sikhs and Jains across the world. We enjoyed making some barfi which is a sweet treat common in Northern India.

Term 1: 2020-21 Session

Welcome back!  We are so glad to finally be back in the classroom with everyone again.  It has been a lovely start so far to the term and all the children have shown a mature attitude to the new procedures and are doing their best with the changes we have made in order to keep everyone safe.
This term, our topic is ‘Space’ which the children have been really enthusiastic about.  We have lots of fun activities to help us learn more about space including art, music and drama which are all linked to the topic.  We have already created wonderful space pictures using chalk pastels which are now decorating the classroom and we have been using work by the composers Holst and John Williams as our inspiration for the Space Music we have been creating.

‘We used chalk pastel to create our planet pictures and we used light and dark tones to help make the planets look spherical. Then we learnt how to draw a symmetrical space shuttle and added coloured pencil to create light and dark shadows for a 3D effect