
Throughout the school year children take part in a variety of different sports and learn many skills associated with them. As well as timetabled PE lessons, the school, assisted by Active Schools, organise many taster sessions of various sports with coaches coming to the school to deliver either one-off sessions, or a block held over several weeks.  The pupils have enjoyed many of these which have included sports such as golf, judo, orienteering, rugby, sooyang-do, skipping and tennis.

Every summer we hold our annual Sports Day which incorporates both individual and team events, with pupils earning points for their house.  A Sports Cup is awarded to the house with the most points at the end of the year, and we also award Junior & Senior Boys & Girls Sports Cups. House teams also compete for a Football and Netball Cup.

Football & Netball Clubs
Craigievar School has after school football & netball clubs which are organised by parents and staff on behalf of the Parent Council and Active Schools.  In the spring and summer the school teams play in various tournaments hosted by the other small schools in the area, and we host our own Football & Netball Tournament in May.

Netball Club: This is open to pupils in P3-7, with training taking place straight after school on a Monday from 3.15 – 4.00pm. It runs throughout the year, stopping only during December – February. Our team have had good success so far this year, winning the Tullynessle Tournament in September and coming runners-up at our own tournament in May. They have also taken part in several non-scoring festivals which have given the pupils plenty of confidence in playing against other teams.

Football Club: This is open to all pupils, with training held on a Wednesday from 6 – 7pm on the Muir of Fowlis football pitch. Training is split into older and younger players. Both our P1-4 and P4-7 football teams have been playing well at the local tournaments, with the younger team coming third at Midmar in May.